26 Mar, 2025 Interbank Exchange Rates in Pakistan - Find US$ dollar interbank rate in Pakistan today, PakBiz.com provides authentic and accurate converted value of interbank US$ dollar rates in Pakistan. The following interbank currency exchange table shows currency buying TT clean and selling TT and OD and buying OD/T.CHQ. The purpose of this is to keep inform every users by fresh changes in interbank currency exchange rates and all the major currencies rates are converted into Pakistani rupees as well. Get the real time exchange value of some main currencies like USD $ Dollar Rates, (€ -EUR) Euro Rates, (£-GBP) British Pound Rates, (AED) UAE Dirham Rates, (Riyal – SAR) Saudi Riyal Rates in Pakistan. Interbank rates are the rate of interest charged on short-term loans made between banks. Banks borrow and lend money in the interbank market in order to manage liquidity and meet the requirements placed on them.