CAD to PKR - Convert Canadian Dollar to Pakistani Rupees
1 CAD to PKR conversion rate is PKR 196.08 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of Canadian Dollar to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the current CAD to PKR buying conversion rate is 196.35 and the Canadian Dollar to pkr selling exchange rate for 1 Canadian Dollar is 198.75. The currency charts below are based on the Pakistan Open Market buying and selling rates today.
Canadian Dollar to PKR Rate Today
Today 26 March, 2025 1 Canadian Dollar to PKR rate is 196.08. Looking at the past 30 days, the monthly performance of CAD to PKR was characterized by fluctuations. The highest value during this period Canadian Dollar to PKR was 197.48 and the lowest was PKR 193.1.
Over the course of a week, the CAD to PKR exchange rate exhibited a rise in value, resulting in a 0.010% increased or PKR 0.02 rise in the Pakistani Rupee.
CAD to PKR Rates - The second-largest country after Russia, Canada is a piece of paradise. Despite the fact that it covers a huge area, it is a sparsely populated country. Lines of trees, wilderness, the infinite foliage, and other such natural artifacts is what we can find the country. Interestingly, the country’s GDP was $1.89 trillion last year. A well-developed economy, Canada believes to be an "energy superpower" the reason is their copious natural resources for a population of 37 million residents which is small compared to its land area.
The trading relationship between Canada and Pakistan is a modest one. Canada was amongst the countries which accepted Pakistan’s independence, instantly. Today, both countries are steadily moving towards improvements in both: relationship in regard to trade, and CAD to PKR rates. The Canadian Dollar to Pakistani rupees rates today is crucial Textiles, Leather items, and vegetable goods are the major export products of Pakistan to Canada, which in return increase the foreign exchange rates.
Canadian Dollar to Pakistani rupees exchange rate varies on daily basis. Not just investers and businessmen, but common people interested in attaining shares on overseas companies utilize CAD to PKR currency converter for better understanding of how much they are investing the money. provides with exact CAD to PKR today currency rates. Apart from this, you can convert any currency into PKR effortlessly through With continuous trading between both countries, Pakistan, as well as Canada both, have seen an improvement in their currency rates and foreign exchanges, and open market currency exchange rates here online updated regularly.
The bilateral relationship between Canada and Pakistan is dated back to 1948. There are numerous immigrants to Canada from Pakistan; a process since Brtish rule the Sub-continent. Canada regards Pakistan as an imperative thespian and partner in the war against terrorism in the region. The two countries maintain trading of intelligence and other pieces of information on essential affairs.
How much is 1 CAD to 1 Pakistani Rupee today?
1 CAD to PKR is 196.08 rupees today. Over the past 30 days, the Canadian Dollar has increased.
What is CAD to PKR Open Market today?
CAD to PKR open market rate today is Rs. 198.75. However, the exchange rate is subject to fluctuations on a daily basis and can be affected by various global and local events.
What is the CAD buying rate today?
CAD buying rate in Pakistan is Rs. 195.73 today. The CAD buying rate refers to the rate at which an individual can purchase Canadian Dollar (CAD) using their local currency.
What is the CAD selling rate today?
Today CAD to PKR selling rate is Rs. 196.08. The selling rate is set by financial institutions such as banks and money exchange dealers.
This CAD to PKR convertor is up to date with exchange rates from 26 Mar, 2025.