GBP to PKR - Convert UK Pound Sterling to Pakistani Rupees

1 GBP to PKR conversion rate is PKR 363.21 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of UK Pound Sterling to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the current GBP to PKR buying conversion rate is 360.50 and the UK Pound Sterling to pkr selling exchange rate for 1 UK Pound Sterling is 364.00. The currency charts below are based on the Pakistan Open Market buying and selling rates today.

1.00 GBP = 363.21 Pakistani Rupees


Updated: October 21 2024

GBP to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 373.49 373.49
Low 361.33 353.49
Average 367.02 363.53
GBP TO PKR chart & Graph

GBP to PKR Rate History

Date Symbol Buying Selling
22 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.56 363.21
21 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 361.69 362.34
20 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 361.69 362.34
19 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 361.69 362.34
18 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 360.68 361.33
17 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.94 363.60
16 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.33 362.98
15 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.47 363.12
14 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.65 363.31
13 Oct, 2024 GBP To PKR 362.65 363.31

UK Pound Sterling to PKR Rate Today

Today 22 October, 2024 1 UK Pound Sterling to PKR rate is 363.21. Looking at the past 30 days, the monthly performance of GBP to PKR was characterized by fluctuations. The highest value during this period UK Pound Sterling to PKR was 373.49 and the lowest was PKR 361.33.

Over the course of a week, the GBP to PKR exchange rate exhibited a rise in value, resulting in a 0.107% increased or PKR 0.39 rise in the Pakistani Rupee.

GBP to PKR Rates - British Pound to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rate- United Kingdom (UK) is a country that lies on the Northwest coast of Europe. It is comprises on the Island of Great Britain thereby, UK is also referred as Great Britain. It has a mixture of the following nation; Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales.

The country is covered with natural resources and natural bounties that will enhance the beauty UK, many tourists visiting the country in order to explore the beauties.

Apart from that, the local currency of United Kingdom is British Pound which is denoted as GBP and Pound is also known as Sterling in terms of finance language and sub divided into 100 pence. If we talk about its origin then it is very difficult to determine but as per the different evidence it was used until 20th century. Earlier they had used silver and gold coins for the importing and exporting of goods and after that famously known for gold standard country.

However, GBP had faced various challenges and in 1694 the first series of banknotes and coins were circulated in the country, at that time only 10 and 5 pound note was available. After that, more bank notes were printed by Bank of England. Likewise, currency had faced many ups and down, even faced severe devaluation of currency.

But with they had maintained their worth and finally pegged on higher rate of USD Dollar and now 1 GBP = 1.2876 USD. Today, the central bank of pound has the authority to issued currencies in UK, the current banknotes that are circulating in the country include; 5, 10, 20 and 50 Pound. On the other hand the coins include; 1, 2 Pound and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pennies. And PKR is referred as Pakistani Rupee.

Today it is very much important to analyze GBP to PKR rates as British Pound is regarded as fourth most exchanged currency and its economic level is also higher and stronger in overall the world. Moreover, the UK has strong relationship with other countries that will eventually influence the exchange rate of Pakistani Rupee because United Kingdom had not as such favorable relationships with each other. Hence, it is very much necessary for Pakistan to keep an eye on British Pound to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rate Today.

For this purpose, we must need an online GBP to PKR currency converter and offers us this great service, through this page you can easily convert GBP to PKR. Here you can also access Forex Rates & open market of British Pound to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rate.

Apart from that, you can also check out weekly updates of GBP to PKR Rates and also able to access live exchange rates of both countries. Lastly, you can also get British Pound buying and selling rates.

So stay connected with us if you want to get updates about British Pound to Pakistani Rupees Rates Today. And don’t forget to give your feedback about this effective piece below the comment box.

How much is 1 GBP to 1 Pakistani Rupee today?

1 GBP to PKR is 363.21 rupees today. Over the past 30 days, the UK Pound Sterling has increased.

What is GBP to PKR Open Market today?

GBP to PKR open market rate today is Rs. 364.00. However, the exchange rate is subject to fluctuations on a daily basis and can be affected by various global and local events.

What is the GBP buying rate today?

GBP buying rate in Pakistan is Rs. 362.56 today. The GBP buying rate refers to the rate at which an individual can purchase UK Pound Sterling (GBP) using their local currency.

What is the GBP selling rate today?

Today GBP to PKR selling rate is Rs. 363.21. The selling rate is set by financial institutions such as banks and money exchange dealers.

This GBP to PKR convertor is up to date with exchange rates from 22 Oct, 2024.

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