QAR to PKR - Convert Qatar Rial to Pakistani Rupees
1 QAR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 30.19 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of Qatar Rial to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the current QAR to PKR buying conversion rate is 76.24 and the Qatar Rial to pkr selling exchange rate for 1 Qatar Rial is 76.94. The currency charts below are based on the Pakistan Open Market buying and selling rates today.
1.00 QAR = 30.19 Pakistani Rupees
Updated: March 26 2025
Last 30 days
Last 90 days
QAR to PKR Rate History
Date |
Symbol |
Buying |
Selling |
19 Dec, 2017 |
30.13 |
30.19 |
14 Dec, 2017 |
30.12 |
30.18 |
27 Jan, 2017 |
28.73 |
28.78 |
26 Jan, 2017 |
28.67 |
28.73 |
25 Jan, 2017 |
28.69 |
28.74 |
24 Jan, 2017 |
28.69 |
28.74 |
23 Jan, 2017 |
28.76 |
28.81 |
20 Jan, 2017 |
28.67 |
28.73 |
19 Jan, 2017 |
28.67 |
28.73 |
18 Jan, 2017 |
28.67 |
28.73 |
Qatar Rial to PKR Rate Today
Today 26 March, 2025 1 Qatar Rial to PKR rate is 30.19. Looking at the past 30 days, the monthly performance of QAR to PKR was characterized by fluctuations. The highest value during this period Qatar Rial to PKR was and the lowest was PKR .
Over the course of a week, the QAR to PKR exchange rate exhibited a down in value, resulting in a -5.045% decrease or PKR -1.45 down in the Pakistani Rupee.
QAR to PKR - Convert QAR to PKR online with ease. Simply insert the desired QAR amount in the relevant box placed on the left of Pakistani Rupees and get the converted PKR amount instantly. Find 1 Qatari Rial to PKR today currency exchange open market rates online. Also access the Qatari Riyal buying and selling live rates at this platform. Online users can also get weekly base archive of 1 Qatari Riyal to Pakistani rupees currency exchange rates. In Pakistan, you can find live and updated currency interbank rates, international forex rates, and open market currency exchange rates here online updated regularly.
How much is 1 QAR to 1 Pakistani Rupee today?
1 QAR to PKR is 30.19 rupees today. Over the past 30 days, the Qatar Rial has no change.
What is QAR to PKR Open Market today?
QAR to PKR open market rate today is Rs. 76.94. However, the exchange rate is subject to fluctuations on a daily basis and can be affected by various global and local events.
What is the QAR buying rate today?
QAR buying rate in Pakistan is Rs. 30.13 today. The QAR buying rate refers to the rate at which an individual can purchase Qatar Rial (QAR) using their local currency.
What is the QAR selling rate today?
Today QAR to PKR selling rate is Rs. 30.19. The selling rate is set by financial institutions such as banks and money exchange dealers.
This QAR to PKR convertor is up to date with exchange rates from 26 Mar, 2025.
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QAR To PKR Rates - Reviews & Comments
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