SAR to PKR - Convert Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupees

1 SAR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 74.10 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of Saudi Riyal to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the current SAR to PKR buying conversion rate is 73.55 and the Saudi Riyal to pkr selling exchange rate for 1 Saudi Riyal is 74.10. The currency charts below are based on the Pakistan Open Market buying and selling rates today.

1.00 SAR = 74.10 Pakistani Rupees


Updated: October 21 2024

SAR to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 74.19 74.39
Low 74.06 74.06
Average 74.14 74.19
SAR TO PKR chart & Graph

SAR to PKR Rate History

Date Symbol Buying Selling
22 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.97 74.10
21 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.97 74.11
20 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.97 74.11
19 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.97 74.11
18 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.97 74.10
17 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.96 74.09
16 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.93 74.07
15 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 73.92 74.06
14 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 74.03 74.16
13 Oct, 2024 SAR To PKR 74.03 74.16

Saudi Riyal to PKR Rate Today

Today 22 October, 2024 1 Saudi Riyal to PKR rate is 74.10. Looking at the past 30 days, the monthly performance of SAR to PKR was characterized by fluctuations. The highest value during this period Saudi Riyal to PKR was 74.19 and the lowest was PKR 74.06.

Over the course of a week, the SAR to PKR exchange rate exhibited a down in value, resulting in a -0.013% decrease or PKR -0.01 down in the Pakistani Rupee.

Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rate - The official name of Saudi-Arabia is Kingdom of Arabia. It is located at Arabian - Peninsula and bordered by Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

The country has vested upon strict customs and traditions. The Arab and Muslim culture are commonly followed by Saudis. The country is also famously for pilgrimage as it has Makkah and Madina. Apart from, culture and land the official currency of Saudi Arabia is Saudi Riyal which is also symbolized as SAR.

The Riyal was present before the emerging of Saudi-Arabia because the Kingdom of Hejaz was commonly used this as their official currency. Even Saudi Arabia used Hejaz silver coins as their official currency.

In 1935, the first coins were introduced in Saudi-Arabia as the national currency and replaced Hejaz coins. After that, in 1953 first time the banknotes has issued by Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency before this Hajj Pilgrimage Receipts but were eventually widely used in the country for transaction purposes And finally in 1961 Hajji Pilgrimage replaced by banknotes which contains the value of 1, 5, 10, 15 and 100 riyals and after this reformation the sub-division of the currency was also changed to halala before this ghirsh was widely used.

Throughout the year the currency of the country had faced many ups and down. Presently, the country has 1, 5, 10, 15, 100 and 500 riyal and has coins values of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 halala. And it is fixed at 1 USD dollar with 3.75 SR. On contrary, Pakistani Rupees is the official currency of Pakistan and since its inception Pakistani Rupees had also faced several challenges.

The Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rate is really very important in nowadays because Saudi-Arabia and Pakistan has strong ties between each other as Saudi-Arabia is regarded as the foremost place for Hajj. Throughout the year many Muslims had pay their visit in Makkha and Medina. Apart from that, both countries help out each other in difficult times by aiding. Besides that, Saudi Arabia also extensively imported oil and other goods thereby; the countries are also heavily upon trading goods with each other.

In such cases, we need SAR to PKR currency converter as both countries have two different sorts of currencies. In this regard, offers an accurate SAR to PKR currency converter; you can easily convert SAR to PKR. From this page you can also get live open market Saudi Riyal to Pakistani rupees rate today.

Through this page you can also access SAR to PKR today on weekly basis and you can find live and updated currency interbank rates, (international) foreign currency exchange rates, and open market currency exchange rates here online updated regularly and also get buying and selling live rates from this portal. Get linked with us and find out all the updates regarding finance sector.

How much is 1 SAR to 1 Pakistani Rupee today?

1 SAR to PKR is 74.10 rupees today. Over the past 30 days, the Saudi Riyal has increased.

What is SAR to PKR Open Market today?

SAR to PKR open market rate today is Rs. 74.10. However, the exchange rate is subject to fluctuations on a daily basis and can be affected by various global and local events.

What is the SAR buying rate today?

SAR buying rate in Pakistan is Rs. 73.97 today. The SAR buying rate refers to the rate at which an individual can purchase Saudi Riyal (SAR) using their local currency.

What is the SAR selling rate today?

Today SAR to PKR selling rate is Rs. 74.10. The selling rate is set by financial institutions such as banks and money exchange dealers.

This SAR to PKR convertor is up to date with exchange rates from 22 Oct, 2024.

SAR To PKR Rates - Reviews & Comments

Many peoples wants to know the correct Saudi Riyal rates in Pakistan. now those people can easily check this Online way to check SAR To PKR Rates

  • By: Khalid
  • on Tue 21 Mar, 2023

I have facilitated from this page for checking the SAR To PKR Rates I have got my Saudi riyal converted into Pak rupee for some work transaction by using the information from this page.

  • By: Zakir
  • on Mon 20 Mar, 2023

SAR to PKR is increased if we see the graph which is given on the website. This is interesting and shows all previous rates of the riyal. I Do visit this website regularly.

  • By: Sonam Bajwa
  • on Wed 15 Mar, 2023

The Saudi Riyal, also known as SAR, is the country of Saudi Arabia's legal currency in addition to its culture and geography.

  • By: Lucky
  • on Mon 13 Mar, 2023

This website is really intrusting it shows the date-wise current buying and selling rates and graphical information.

  • By: mubashir
  • on Fri 10 Mar, 2023