Saudi Riyal Exchange Rate in Pakistan: 26th September 2023


Today 1 SAR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 77.54 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. Saudi Riyal to PKR buying and selling rates are different in interbank and currency exchange or open market rates. Saudi Riyal to Pakistani Rupee has decreased PKR 0.24 or 0.309% on trading in Interbank rate.

Open Market Rate

26 Sep 23PKR 78.05PKR 78.80

Weekly performance of SAR to PKR shows increased in value and Pakistani Rupee is up by PKR 0.80 or 1.021%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Saudi Riyal to PKR was PKR 78.9 and lowest PKR 77.54 conversion. Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for SAR to PKR: High PKR 81.87 and Low PKR 77.54 in value, where buying was PKR 77.39 and Selling 77.54

SAR to PKR Interbank Rates History

26 Sep, 2377.3977.54
25 Sep, 2377.6377.78
24 Sep, 2377.6377.78
23 Sep, 2377.6377.78
22 Sep, 2377.9178.06
21 Sep, 2378.1978.34
20 Sep, 2378.4778.62
19 Sep, 2378.7578.90
18 Sep, 2378.9979.14
17 Sep, 2378.9979.14

Check: More Detail SAR to PKR