AUD to PKR - Convert Australian Dollar to Pakistani Rupees
1 AUD to PKR conversion rate is PKR 175.90 as per the State Bank of Pakistan. The buying and selling rates of Australian Dollar to Pakistani rupees differ in the interbank and open market rates or currency exchange. In Open Market, the current AUD to PKR buying conversion rate is 176.50 and the Australian Dollar to pkr selling exchange rate for 1 Australian Dollar is 178.75. The currency charts below are based on the Pakistan Open Market buying and selling rates today.
Australian Dollar to PKR Rate Today
Today 13 March, 2025 1 Australian Dollar to PKR rate is 175.90. Looking at the past 30 days, the monthly performance of AUD to PKR was characterized by fluctuations. The highest value during this period Australian Dollar to PKR was 179.15 and the lowest was PKR 173.69.
Over the course of a week, the AUD to PKR exchange rate exhibited a rise in value, resulting in a 0.379% increased or PKR 0.67 rise in the Pakistani Rupee.
AUD to PKR Rates – Australian Dollar to Pakistani Rupees Exchange Rates – Australia, also known as Commonwealth of Australia is by far the largest country in Oceania, and sixth largest in terms of area. Similar to any country, Australia shares its borders with countries such as Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Indonesia to the north, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia is an advanced country, with the world's fourteenth largest economy. It has a higher income-rate in the economy, with the world's tenth-highest per caput earnings. The word “Australia” is derivative from the Latin word “terra australis incognita” meaning “unknown Southern Land”.
Australia is on the twelveth number in regards to economic stability, with being the sixth-largest country on planet Earth. With this being said, The Australian Dollar epitomizes the economy of Australia and is the fifth most commonly exchanged currency in the world. The Australian Dollar had a set exchange-rate until 1983. The Australian Dollar was part and parcel of the Bretton Woods system from 1946 to 1971 with which the Australian Dollar was chosen to the British Pound till 1967. As Bretton Woods instigate to disintegrate, the rate of the Australian Dollar was transformed into a customary peg opposing a floating US Dollar.
Foreign exchange is significant for one primary reason: it establishes the significance of foreign ventures. A fickle exchange rate daunt foreign investments, as does a high, established one. A low, stable exchange rate, on the other hand, promotes foreign venture, but at the price of the lower-range value currency's market. Pakistan's export to Australia accomplishes its peak in 2011 by attainment of US$167 million while imports in the same timeframe reached US$437 million. In regards to trades and other investments, both countries witness the conversion of currencies. The AUD TO PKR currency converter is vital for such trading activities and payments.
For this purpose, conversions of currencies are imperative, and is among those platforms to gather precise Australian Dollar to Pakistani rupees Rates today. This AUD to PKR today page offers up-to-date updates with weekly fluctuations in exchange rates and real-time AUD to PKR rates, you can find live and updated currency interbank rates, international forex rates, and open market currency exchange rates here online updated regularly.
With, foreign exchange rates and currency conversions are accessible instantaneously. With daily updates, users can effortlessly find out AUD to PKR Today. Furthermore, charts, stats, and open market rates are also available on the page for further investments.
How much is 1 AUD to 1 Pakistani Rupee today?
1 AUD to PKR is 175.90 rupees today. Over the past 30 days, the Australian Dollar has increased.
What is AUD to PKR Open Market today?
AUD to PKR open market rate today is Rs. 178.75. However, the exchange rate is subject to fluctuations on a daily basis and can be affected by various global and local events.
What is the AUD buying rate today?
AUD buying rate in Pakistan is Rs. 175.59 today. The AUD buying rate refers to the rate at which an individual can purchase Australian Dollar (AUD) using their local currency.
What is the AUD selling rate today?
Today AUD to PKR selling rate is Rs. 175.90. The selling rate is set by financial institutions such as banks and money exchange dealers.
This AUD to PKR convertor is up to date with exchange rates from 13 Mar, 2025.